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Tips On Packing for School Camp - Ultimate Kiwi Parent's Guide

Tips On Packing for School Camp - Ultimate Kiwi Parent's Guide

Packing for school camp can quickly become a parent's worst nightmare. From deciphering the packing list, to sourcing the items your kids don't have and trying to squish everything into one bag, it's enough to make you scream! Then there's the need to pack things so they don't get crushed, won't leak and can be found reasonably quickly. As parent's ourselves, we can totally sympathise with you. That's why we've written the official Kiwi parent's guide to packing for school camp and we're certain you'll find it incredibly helpful.

Official Packing for School Camp Guide for Kiwi Parents

When it comes to sending your child off on school camp, you're often faced with a myriad of emotions. Will they be ok without me, competes with the excitement of being kid free or having less kids at home for a week. But before you can send them off on the bus, you need to pack their bags first. This is when our stress levels rise, and panic can set in. But not to worry, because here's what you need to do:

  • Read through the entire packing list first - hopefully the school sent home a packing list. It should contain the items they know your child will need, based upon where the camp is located and what they'll be doing. If you are unsure what something is, ask the teachers. If your child doesn't have something, ask around to see if you can borrow one before buying a new one.
  • Find a big bag - a backpack is best when packing for school camps. It's easy to carry and familiar to your child. The problem comes when it's too small to fit everything in. You could opt for two backpacks, which is definitely workable. Or you could try a small tramping pack or at a pinch, a bag on wheels. While we head for suitcases when we head away, they're not ideal for school camps. Kids struggle to carry heavy and bulky cases, meaning adults have to do it. Wheels are stuck in mud or don't roll on gravel, which defeats the purpose. When choosing a big backpack, remember that it still needs to be carried by your child, so avoid huge ones!
  • Pack the bag yourself - well-meaning as it may be, don't let your child pack their own bag. Things are certain to be left out or the wrong items packed.
  • Know your child - regardless of what's on the packing list, you know your child best. If they have toileting accidents, add extra underwear. If they are easily cold, add extra singlets etc.
  • Practise and practise again - your child may not have ever used before some of the items you are packing. Have several practices on using the item, such as rolling and unrolling a sleeping bag before they go on camp.
  • Pack toiletries separately - soap, shampoo and sunscreen needs to go into their own separate waterproof tote bag! Not only will this stop them leaking over everything, but it also keeps the toiletries together, easier to find and much more portable! A named bathroom or toiletries tote bag also ensures nothing gets lost either!
  • Pack swimming togs separately - a swim can happen anytime while on camp. Pack your kid's togs and towel in their own named swimming bag to make life much easier for your child!

Do you have any great tips on packing for school camp you can share with us? We'd love to know, so please tell us in the comments below!

Tags: packing bags  

Posted: Wednesday 6 June 2018